Sunday, April 19, 2009

Maven JAXB Generation Part II

I've already done a posting on using Maven to generate JAXB with the Fluent API and this adds making the JAXB beans serializable and setters for lists. Add the file jaxb-bindings.xjb to the 'src/main/resources' with the config below and JAXB beans will implement serializable.

Also by default, collections only have getters. The JAXB 2.1 Collection setter Injector Plugin will also generate a setter for any collection. I found this useful while serializing JAXB beans between Java and ActionScript with BlazeDS (while using Spring BlazeDS Integration. BlazeDS only serializes something if it has a getter and a setter. Unfortunately I couldn't find this in a Maven repo, but you can install it locally or into your Nexus server.

<!-- Had to manually install in repo, not in main repo. -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jxb:bindings xmlns:jxb=""

