Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Maven & No Commons Logging

Maven includes Commons Logging by default, which isn't what you really want if you'd like to use SLF4J for your logging facade. A nice solution to fake out Maven was written at this blog. Basically you have a fake version 99.0 as an empty jar named the same as Commons Logging so it's downloaded instead.

I noticed builds were running really slow and it seems that he Maven repository ( has been down for days. As a temporary solution I've put the no Commons Logging jars into the Spring by Example repo and put a mirror entry into my settings.xml.

It would be nice if Maven just had a way to do global excludes if you don't want a jar no matter what transitive dependencies are resolved.

      <name>No Commons Logging</name>

1 comment:

Tim Voet said...

Thanks David. I really don't like the commons-logging and like you much prefer the simplicity of SLF4J.